CR1632 Lithium Battery
$4.82USD $4.34USD
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Energizer CR1632 Lithium Battery
- Classification: "Lithium Coin"
- Chemical System: Lithium / Manganese Dioxide (Li/MnO2)
- Nominal Voltage: 3.0 Volts
- Typical Capacity: 130 mAh (to 2.0 volts)
- (Rated at 15K ohms at 21°C)
- Typical Weight: 1.8 grams (0.06 oz.)
- Typical Volume: 0.5 cubic centimeters (0.03 cubic inch)
- Max Rev Charge: 1 microampere
- Energy Density: 209 milliwatt hr/g, 754 milliwatt hr/cc
- Typical Li Content: 0.036 grams (0.0013 oz.)
- Operating Temp: -30C to 60C
- Self Discharge: ~1% / year