63903233210 Blade SLP 6 teak deck 1-Pack

Brand: Fein Canada
Product Code: 63903233210
Price: $82.51USD $74.25USD
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Hooked blades for cutting out planked deck caulk materials rapidly and safely. Ideal for problem locations such as cabin structures, rails, gunwales, cleats and curves.

FEIN MultiMaster Cordless (AFMM 18 QSL), FSC 500 QSL (FSC 500 QSL), FEIN MultiMaster Cordless (AFMM 18 QSL), FEIN MultiMaster Top (FMM 350 QSL), FEIN cordless MultiTalent QuickStart (AFMT 12 QSL), FEIN MultiMaster QuickStart (FMM 350 QSL), FEIN MultiTalent Start Q (FMT 250 QSL), AFSC 18 QSL - Wood (AFSC 18 QSL), FEIN Professional-Set Wood (FSC 500 QSL), FEIN MultiMaster Start Q (FMM 350 QSL), AFSC 18 (AFSC 18 QSL)

6 39 03 233 21 0

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